For our sweet baby Isla Anne

"Take love, multiply it by infinity and take it to the depths of forever.. and you still have only a glimpse of how I feel for you."

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Baby shower for Isla doodle!

My dear friend Tara Drollinger and her Mom (my PM, pseudo mom) threw me a lovely baby shower on the 7th of August at their home.  They served brunch with egg casseroles, blueberry bread, different types of muffins, cupcakes, orange juice and coffee!  It was delicious!  Then it was on to gift opening, we had a wonderful turn out.  I was pleasantly surprised and overjoyed (even with the hurt of missing both Moms that day).  Isla was given so many clothes and books, it was amazing!  Aaron and I were so happy with the mini-library we're able to start with!  Isla was given many classic books and we plan on reading to her quite often!
I wanted to post just a couple of  pics because I forgot my camera and I had to rely on Jeanne to do the pics for me!
This picture was taken after the shower with Isla's Grandpa (my Dad), we were comparing our bellies!

This picture is with my two best friends (Isla's Aunties) at the baby shower!  I just love these two! 
Tara Drollinger & Sharlyne Rael

I will post more pictures once Jeanne sends me them from the shower!  Thank you to everyone who was involved in this wonderful day, I appreciate it all! 

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