For our sweet baby Isla Anne

"Take love, multiply it by infinity and take it to the depths of forever.. and you still have only a glimpse of how I feel for you."

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Isla's trying some foods!!

We're doing BLW (baby-led-weaning or baby-led-solids) with Isla.  The basis is we give her solid foods and she feeds herself as much or as little as she wants.  We offer her all nutritious foods like fruits and veggies and she has a lot of fun with it.  For the first year of a baby's life, their main nutrition should come from breastmilk so anything past that is for fun and learning.  And goodness is she doing both!!
Her first food was avocado, then she's had banana, wheat rolls, pickles, broccoli, apple, pineapple, and cantaloupe!  So far her favorite was the wheat roll and pickles! Her least was broccoli. 
Here are some cute pics with her first food and a couple other foods!
mmmm, avocado!

Avocado Face, so cute!

LOVED the wheat roll!

yummy pickles, she didn't even make sour faces!  She is just like her Auntie Yaya

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