For our sweet baby Isla Anne

"Take love, multiply it by infinity and take it to the depths of forever.. and you still have only a glimpse of how I feel for you."

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Holidays are here!  I'm having so much fun playing with my camera and taking fun pics of my family!  Merry Christmas everyone!  Hope to post more soon!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Easter 2011

Isla, your first Easter went off with a bang!  You ate so good, you had a lot of asparagus, some stuffing and bits of a wheat roll.  We were all so surprised at how much you truly love the asparagus so I've now made that a good staple in your diet!
Your Grandma Paxton bought you a beautiful Easter dress to wear that day also!  We went to Char's house (Aaron's chaplain at his hospital) and you really had a great time.  She has a cat named Kit-Kat that you loved watching.  You took a good nap on Char's bed after having lunch, it was a great first Easter!
Our family at Isla's first Easter

Momma and Isla

Isla with Char

Isla watching Kit Kat in the window


We've taken you to the zoo twice so far and you LOVE it.. not so much for the animals but just to people watch!  You are so funny, you will scan people up and down and watch their interactions.  You find it very hard to nap when we're at the zoo! 
Our 2nd trip to the zoo was with your friend Averie Henson.  We took some pictures that day to share also!
The girls playing before our trip to the zoo
Isla Anne loving the zoo!
Averie Ann also loves the zoo!

hanging out at the carousel

yummy best friend!

The girls at the carousel again

A cherished moment in time with you..

Isla Anners,
Just a night ago, you and I were playing on the living room floor after dinner.  We were playing with your spinning toy that counts and makes animal noises, you really love that toy!  You love to make it spin and hear the noises and I love to watch you get all that enjoyment!
At one point while playing, you stopped and looked at me.  Then you rolled into me to snuggle and I took that moment to sing some songs to you.  Your momma isn't the best singer or even good actually, but you always appreciate it and watch me contently when I do sing to you!  We layed on the living room floor and I sang to you for about 10 minutes as I rubbed your cheek and touched your little button nose.  You would smile and coo and in the process melt your Momma's heart.  It is an amazing feeling to feel the love that we share and know how strong our bond is.  I love you so much my sweet little girl. 
Love you forever,

Tough times, my little muffin

Dear sweet Isla,
Momma has been having a rough time being at work while you're at the babysitter's house.  I miss you so much during the work week!  I spend probably too much time scheming up a plan to become a stay at home mom so that we can be together every single moment of the days!  I look at your pictures and I save videos on my cell phone that I watch several times a day.  You are constantly in my thoughts and I love you so much!  The other day I was at Target picking out a toy for a birthday party you're going to this weekend (your very first party of a friend's might I add!) and I saw some Momma's with their daugthers and it made me break down in tears over missing you! 
I want you to know that I only work to provide a home, healthy foods and health insurance for you and for our family! I would much rather be with you, playing all day long if I could! 
I just want you to know that you have my heart and I love you so much my sweet muffin!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Some interesting Isla facts

  • Isla is such a funny little character and she's growing so fast, my head could spin!  I cannot believe she's already 6 months old! 
  • She has two new teeth (she got one at 5 1/2 months and the 2nd just 2 days later!),
  • She's finally starting to grow hair back in the bald spot she made on the back of her head!  She often likes to turn her head to the left, to the right, to the left, to the right and so on until she falls asleep which caused a huge bald spot on the back of her head!  So funny!
  • Isla began rolling over from her belly to her back right at 5 months of age and still doesn't care to roll from back to belly. 
  • She's never been much of a 'tummy-time' girl, she actually prefers sitting up (assisted still) and just watching the world around her!
  • Isla is a people watcher and loves to go grocery shopping or just out in public, I think she's a future fashionista because she'll often do the elevator eyes and check a person out from head to toe as if she's critiquing their outfit for the day! 
  • Our sweet doodle pie finds the good ol' game of peek-a-boo to be VERY exciting right now.. she enjoys the quick little fright it puts in her and it makes her giggle.  Which this in turn melts my heart so we can go on and on and on doing this game! 
  • She's currently getting over the stage of blowing spit bubble raspberries with her lips, but sometimes in the middle of the night she will wake up just to do that for a good 10-15 minutes!
  • Isla does not sleep through the night, she often wakes anywhere from 2-6 times in a night with the average being 4. 
  • She's a little miss piggy and loves her milky very much.  Isla is in the 97th percentile for weight and 95th percentile for height.  She has been in the top brackets since birth!
  • Her Daddy and I love her more than life, itself!

A Valentine's Day Card for Isla Anne from Momma

To My Sweet Little Valentine Baby:

Isla Anne,
You are the center of my world and the center of my heart so it's pretty simple to say that you're my valentine this year!  You and Daddy make me happier than a rainbow on a sunny day!  Your smile melts me over and over again, I spend every moment that I'm with you just trying to make you smile or laugh.  Right now you are big into mimicking so whenever I laugh, you laugh.  I mimic you back with the sounds you make and you get a big kick out of that too!  We're quite the team together!
I am so proud of you with every little achievement you make, whether it's your 1/4 turn from your back to your side or if it's a big ol' spit bubble you made that's sitting on your rosy little lips! Your everyday activities and changes make me smile and beam with pride!
I am so thankful and appreciative that you love me!  Seeing the warm love in your eyes makes the longest of nights with you worthwhile.  You're not a great sleeper, but I still get the greatest joys in seeing you wake up for the day!  My favorite time of the day with you is watching you grunt and stretch, wiggle and then slowly open your eyes to see me.. and then the big ol' gummy smile that I love so much!
Isla, you have made this Valentine's Day the best ever!  My heart has officially topped off the love scale because of you!  Thanks for being the sweet, precious baby that you are!  Happy Valentine's Day 2011!

I love you very, very much!

Isla's trying some foods!!

We're doing BLW (baby-led-weaning or baby-led-solids) with Isla.  The basis is we give her solid foods and she feeds herself as much or as little as she wants.  We offer her all nutritious foods like fruits and veggies and she has a lot of fun with it.  For the first year of a baby's life, their main nutrition should come from breastmilk so anything past that is for fun and learning.  And goodness is she doing both!!
Her first food was avocado, then she's had banana, wheat rolls, pickles, broccoli, apple, pineapple, and cantaloupe!  So far her favorite was the wheat roll and pickles! Her least was broccoli. 
Here are some cute pics with her first food and a couple other foods!
mmmm, avocado!

Avocado Face, so cute!

LOVED the wheat roll!

yummy pickles, she didn't even make sour faces!  She is just like her Auntie Yaya

Isla's 5 Month Photos

Nolan Family

Hilarious picture!

dimpled buns

Momma and Isla

Daddy & Isla

Some cute pics of my cute girl

I'm wanting to keep my blog up to date and I wanted to add a few sweet pictures of Isla that I really love!

Napping on Christmas morning

Isla doesn't like paci's but she loves nibbling and sucking on her fingers!

Isla Anne loves taking baths while sitting in her bumbo pod now!

Bubble bath hair

Daddy dressed Isla and put a diaper on her head and called her the "Princess of Persia"

Isla and Averie are holding hands as BFF's

Isla fell asleep with her babydoll at her highchair

Isla got Baptized!!!

Isla Anne Nolan was baptized on Feb 12, 2011 with her best friend Averie Ann Henson. 
Her Godparents are Averie's parents: Shawn & Michelle Henson while Aaron and I were Averie's Godparents!
It was a beautiful day and the girls were a riot ofcourse!
Here are a couple of pics!

Our only family pic, not so great! haha
Momma & Isla, Chel & Averie

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

some silly pics of my silly girl!

 She's straight hood!
 Isla chillin' with her Daddy!
 First time in the new shades
 Diaper Baby!!
My all time favorite silly picture, she is quite the funny little lady :)

Isla Anne

Dear Isla, you have now been an official member of our family for 13 weeks & 6 lovely days! Your Daddy & I love you with all our hearts! You have far surpassed anything we have ever wished & hoped for in a daughter, you simply amaze us! We love watching your expressions & seeing you learn your new world, you are so alert & curious! You are a very sweet baby & you coo so gently & peacefully so we hope that means you love your home! You may be a sweet gentle cooing baby but you sure know how to "rumble your drawers" as Daddy says! We find you to be quite funny & you always know how to make us smile! One of your favorite things to do is take a bath, you kick your feet like wild & splash around! You are so use to your nightly routine that you get really happy when we carry you into the bathroom! You have a singing turtle that you kick & watch in the tub also! Daddy & I love watching you so happy in the tub & we've probably taken too many embarrassing photos & videos for proof! We happen to think you are the most adorable baby in the world, we always talk about how beautiful you are! You have the sweetest little button nose & rosy little lips!! Isla, we are so blessed to have you! My favorite thing you do right now is gaze into my eyes as you drift off to sleep, it melts my heart everytime! I always want you to know that I'm your Mommy & I will love you forever & ever no matter what happens in life! You are my baby, my everything! I love you!