For our sweet baby Isla Anne

"Take love, multiply it by infinity and take it to the depths of forever.. and you still have only a glimpse of how I feel for you."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Letter to My Baby

Hello sweet Isla doodle,
It's September 8th, 2010 and we're only 17 short days from your due date!  I am so excited to meet you and look into your eyes for the first time, I know that feeling will be amazing!  I have to admit, I am hoping you will come earlier than the 25th because I am so impatient, I dream about you every night.  I try to imagine what your little features will look like and what traits you will get from Daddy & I.  Daddy teases me all the time saying you will have little "bear feet" just like I do... and secretly, I hope it's true!  I have always wanted a daughter where people comment "she looks just like you".. how neat to have a little sweet baby that resembles me and was made out of love!  Daddy and I have our one year wedding anniversary on the 26th of September so I sometimes wonder if you'll be our 1st year anniversary gift to each other!  How neat that would be!!  Then again, the doctor said you may go past your due date so they may have to induce you as late as October 1st.  That would make a neat birth date for you, 10/01/10!  I guess it's all when you decide to come out and meet this world!  I love you so very much baby!

You are the poem I dreamed of writing, the masterpiece I longed to paint. You are the shining star I reached for in my ever hopeful quest for life fulfilled... You are my baby. Now with all things, I am blessed.

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