For our sweet baby Isla Anne

"Take love, multiply it by infinity and take it to the depths of forever.. and you still have only a glimpse of how I feel for you."

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Baby News!!!

I've decided what a better way to start off my new blog but to talk about this beautiful baby we're having!!  Aaron and I found out the sex of our baby at our last doctor appt which was May 13th and it's a GIRL!!   We're naming her Isla Ann.  We're so excited to use Ann as her middle name because that was Aaron's Mother's middle name (but her's was spelled with an 'e' at the end), my Mother's middle name, one of my Great Aunt's first names on my Dad's side of the family and my own middle name.  It's so neat to be able to keep a name so beautiful in our family, maybe we can even be lucky enough to carry it further!  Isla is due on Sept 25th, 2010 which is just one day shy of our One Year wedding anniversary!  What an exceptional gift, we're just so giddy with excitement!

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